Installing the certificate in root store for windows container
I had to connect to a remote address from within a windows container and the remote server was using a Private Certificate Authority. For a successful and secure connection with the remote machine, the code running in windows container had to trust the remote certificate.
When trying to add a certificate at runtime from a windows container, the following code was throwing an error that reads “unable to open a store” or “access denied”.
Console.WriteLine("Trusting root CA");
// Environment variable with format of "Certificates_SFPkg_Code_RootCACert_PFX" will have path
// to the certificate file.
// This is injected by the service fabric into the container.
// See
// for more details.
string certificateFilePath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Certificates_SFPkg_Code_RootCACert_PFX");
string passwordFilePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable($"CERTIFICATES_SFPkg_CODE_RootCACert_PASSWORD");
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
string password = File.ReadAllLines(passwordFilePath, Encoding.Default)[0];
password = password.Replace("\0", string.Empty);
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2(certificateFilePath, password);
The reason behind the add failing was that by default the containerized application runs under a user named “ContainerUser” who does not have enough rights. To be able to make the code run successfully in windows container, we can make the following change to the application’s Dockerfile:
FROM AS base
FROM base AS final
COPY ./out /app
# below line will make the application run under ContainerAdministrator and
# certificate add to Root store will work
USER ContainerAdministrator
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyEntryPOint.dll"]
However, making the application run under ContainerAdministrator is not the right way to run the application. The application should run with minimum privileges. The solution for this was to create a console application (in .net core 3.1, obviously) that will install the certificate when run with the right privileges. The console program will have almost the same code as shown above. Here is how the Dockerfile looked like:
FROM AS base
FROM base AS final
COPY ./out /app
# Swithch to container admin user so that the root certificate can be added
USER ContainerAdministrator
# download the certificate
ADD /app
# add the certificate to root store of local machine
RUN CertImporter.exe "C:\app\certificate.crt"
# switch back to the normal user
USER ContainerUser
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyEntryPOint.dll"]
Information about windows container users is something that is not visible to the developers directly. I hope this helps.